HealthLeaders Exchange’s Post

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"There's just conflict between those who are providing care and those who pay for those services. And it creates this uncertainty and reluctance to change. I think there's a lot of alignment on both sides, but there is going to continue to be this tension." A. Bartley Bryt, MD, MPH, Chief Medical Officer at Brighton Health Plan Solutions, talks about the current payer/provider relationship and how the tension between the two may slow down the process for change. Thank you for sharing your ideas and for participating in our HealthLeaders Population Health Exchange! #populationhealth #hospitals #healthsystems #healthcareleaders #healthcare #healthcareprofessionals #patientcare #publichealth #healthcareinnovation #communityhealth #telehealth #COVID19

Prash Kotecha ✔️

Success Mentor | Helping Leaders & Business Owners Sort Out Their Stress & Wellbeing for Better Impact, Leadership & Success


How else can this be improved? It looks like Bartley may have the answer...


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